Retirement Strategy Checklist – The Top 18 Questions To ASK!

Retirement Strategy Checklist – The Top 18 Questions To ASK!

Retirement Strategy Checklist

(The Top 18 Questions To ASK To Secure

The Future of Your Money In An Uncertain Economy)


Retirement Strategy Checklist – The Top 18 Questions To ASK!



When it comes to retirement planning, often times, people have more questions than answers.

That’s understandable. There’s so much information out there, how do you know what’s right for you?

And frankly, unless you’ve been doing some serious studying for many years or you work in the financial industry yourself, you’re not going to know which money vehicles are right for your retirement.

Even if you’ve spent years as a financial advisor you probably don’t know some of the available money products I’m going to talk about at the end of this guide.

Why do I say this? Because I know many financial consultants and advisors have not heard of these products. They are not taught about the power of an insurance portfolio that works in tandem with their client’s investment portfolio.

That’s why I’m here.

That’s why WikiQuoters exists.

It’s our platform to inform you what insurance products can do to protect your money today, tomorrow and into the next generation.

The only down side is; not everyone qualifies for these products!

So read on to see if they are a good fit for you, your life and your retirement.

In this short guide, you’ll get our top questions and things to consider when creating a strategy for your retirement.


THE STEPS – Envision Your Life In Retirement

The Concept Questions

  1. What are your goals for and during your retirement?
  2. What does a “day in the life” of your retirement really look like?
  3. How and where do you want to live?
  4. What do you think are some of your money challenges now and for the future?
  5. Do you see yourself making income at all during your later years?
  6. What is your health like now and how it will (probably) be into your retirement?

Part #1 is all about envisioning your life in retirement. So, spend time thinking about this.

Ask the questions and get into a space where you can really conjure up the visuals in your minds eye.

Go for a walk. Meditate. Pray. Sip coffee. Write in your journal. Play golf. Take a shower.

Whatever gets your imagination popping, that’s what you want to tap into.

After that, you want to see yourself going through your day in your retirement.

Ask the above questions and more!

These are the concept questions; the kind of questions that theories are built on. How do you theorize your retirement?


THE QUESTIONS – Know What You Really Need

The Practical Questions

  1. What are ALL your monthly bills and expenses? Literally add up the receipts.
  2. How much of an impact will taxeshave on my retirement lifestyle?
  3. Where is your money right now? 401K? 403B? Roth IRA?
  4. What are you willing to cut out of your current budget to save for later?
  5. What type of healthcare (both holistic & medical) will you need?
  6. How involved do you see your children, relatives or aides being during your retirement?

Part #2 is all about the practical parts of daily living. This is where you get granular.

Pull out all your current monthly bills; cell phone, wifi, groceries, gas, cable TV, magazine subscriptions, car payments, mortgage, rent etc.

Whatever you must pay to keep your current lifestyle on a monthly basis, write down and document it. Add it up and know down to the dollar what you pay today for your lifestyle.

Next, look at this list and begin to prioritize what you really want to keep and what’s not that necessary.

Keep your ideal vision in mind for retirement. Part #2 is about the boring and sometimes nasty realities of what we must pay for today so you’ll understand what you’ll need for your tomorrow.


THE SOLUTIONS – Financial Products To Consider

The Right Plan For You

  1. Is my money in the right place for now in the short term and the long term?
  2. What about taxes? How do I protect my money from taxes now and in the future?
  3. How do I diversify my income to best meet my needs when I’m in retirement?
  4. How will I know my money will out live me/us?
  5. How can I make my money accumulate during my retirement years?
  6. How can I pass along my money to my heirs and leave a legacy after my retirement?

Part #3 is all about the kinds of money products your advisor can discuss with you to determine what might best fit your needs.

That’s where a licensed insurance agent (me) comes in. I can help guide you to co-ordinate your finances in a way that supports you in the future… no matter how the economy goes. The information in this guide is a general overview only. To truly understand what you need in retirement, we’d have to have a meeting to thoroughly go over and discuss what you need.

In the meantime, in 2023, a deep recession is looming. If that has you concerned, then we can discuss which money products can guarantee the safety of your principle. These money products can also guarantee you a compounded interest rate for a guaranteed period of time.

How can this be guaranteed?

Because a cash value life insurance policy has been guaranteeing the safety of principle and interest rates from its inception, nearly 200 years ago. As your licensed insurance agent, it’s my job to help create a workable retirement strategy for you. An integral part of that retirement plan is your customized insurance portfolio.

With that said…

Let’s take a look at a few of the powerful products;

There are two main types of cash value life insurance. Whole life insurance and universal life insurance.

Both can be great options as a part of your insurance portfolio that will help fund your retirement.

It’s the the cash value within a whole or universal life insurance policy which accumulates over time and which you can access at anytime. You can withdraw up to 90% of it at anytime. These types of cash value life insurance policies have been described as savings accounts on steroids.

With a regular whole life policy your premiums, cash value compounded interest rate and death benefit stays fixed for life. On the other hand, a universal life insurance policy allows you to adjust both your premiums and the death benefit to fit your needs as your retirement progresses.

Universal life policies also grow cash value. The rate of growth depends on the type of universal life insurance you buy:

  • Guaranteed universal life insurance: Cash value growth may be small, but provides a lower-cost way to secure lifelong coverage.
  • Indexed universal life insurance: Cash value growth is tied to a specific index (eg. S&P 500)
  • Variable universal life insurance: Your cash value gains depend on investment performance

Now, here’s the top 3 things that a cash value, whole or universal life insurance policy does to protect your money;

  1. Tax sheltered(The IRS can not touch the money in your cash value life insurance policy)
  2. Stays off credit reports (The money accumulated in your life insurance policy does not show up on credit reports and stays out of the hands of creditors)
  3. Can (almost) never be touched by the courts (If you are sued for any reason the money in your life insurance policy can not be accessed by the court system)

NEXT… Set up your own Private Pension.

In other words, place your money in a guaranteed INCOME annuity.

Simply, annuities are an insurance contract which is issued and distributed by financial institutions.

These contracts state the financial company has the intention of paying out invested funds in a fixed income stream in the future. This intention is guaranteed unless the company becomes insolvent. Which is why you must choose the company you fund your annuity with with great care. As a licensed insurance agent, I’m happy to help you in this endeavor. It’s my duty to help you understand what types of companies are the best to bet on to secure the future of your money.

You can fund your annuity (private pension) with monthly premiums or lump-sum payments. The holding institution is then contractually obligated (at an agreed upon time) to provide fixed income payments (monthly or annually), for a specified period of time or for the remainder of the annuitant’s life.

Annuities were specially designed for retirement purposes and help individuals address the risk of outliving their savings. Annuities have been around for hundreds of years with the first product being offered to the public in the early 1800s. Some argue they’ve been around for thousands of years dating back to the days of the Roman Empire.

Annuities, like cash value life insurance policies, have a guaranteed, compounded interest rate on the principle.

The four types of annuities are as follows:

Between the right annuities and cash value life insurance policies, your retirement strategy is set. These financial products provide the stable, guaranteed income you want and need in your retirement. They are part of your insurance portfolio.

Of course, you can still have your investment portfolio that will be at the mercy of the ups and downs of the markets. As well as, the potential gains the markets provide. You’ll have the best of BOTH worlds. Volatility and gains and the fixed and guaranteed for a retirement filled with peace of mind.

If any of this sounds like it might be right to secure the future of your money then all it takes is 10-15 minutes with a licensed insurance agent.

That’s all it takes to determine if a cash value life insurance policy suits your needs and to determine if you qualify for them.

Insurance products are so powerful, that the owners of them must qualify to have them. It’s a sad fact that not everyone can create an insurance portfolio.

So call us and find out more today, it’s FREE!

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