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How Pre-Paid Legal Services Prevent Expensive Consequences — Legal Insurance Blog — January 18, 2024

How Pre-Paid Legal Services Prevent Expensive Consequences — Legal Insurance Blog — January 18, 2024

How Pre-Paid Legal Services Prevent Expensive Consequences — Legal Insurance Blog — January 18, 2024

Most of us, at some point, have given thought to what we might leave behind for our loved ones once we pass away. Maybe you have spent time considering who to leave your assets to or even gone as far as to draft a will yourself. However, even the most well-meaning attempts at planning can go awry. This is especially true for a simple will, which can lead to expensive and avoidable consequences. But do not worry; this is where a group legal plan and pre-paid legal services come in to save the day.

It may seem easy to draft, but the truth is that it is not. While a simple will may be enough for some individuals, it can cause costly legal issues for others. These types of wills can be hard to interpret and understand, which can lead to family feuds and lengthy litigations.

There are a few reasons why a simple will can go so drastically wrong. To begin with, estate laws can vary from state to state, and a simple will does not consider these variations. If you own property in two different states, for example, this can create a problem when it comes to your will. Additionally, a simple will may not accurately reflect your current financial or familial situation. This can lead to confusion for your heirs, resulting in probate proceedings that are both time-consuming and costly. Finally, a simple will may not consider any possible tax implications, which can be incredibly expensive.

Enter group legal plans and pre-paid legal services. By having access to these services, employees can make sure that their wills are drafted by trusted legal professionals who have expert knowledge of the local estate laws. These services can help ensure that your will is clear and understandable, taking into account your unique financial and familial situation. They can also help address any tax implications, ensuring that your heirs receive the most from your estate without incurring any unnecessary expenses.

Not only do these services provide legal guidance for drafting a will, but they can also provide legal guidance after the will has been executed. For example, beneficiaries listed on the will may dispute the distribution, which can lead to lengthy and costly legal proceedings. Pre-paid legal services can provide legal support to help resolve disputes in a timely and cost-effective manner.


Countrywide Per-paid Legal Services has a group legal plan benefit that addresses everyday legal issues. Drafting a simple will is one of our benefits, and we have a nationwide network of attorneys who will do the work. These professionals advise on what should be in the document and guarantee that the final draft is one that will stand up in court. Clients are given the chance to decide what services will be provided in their own benefit. We will deliver streamlined administration and superior member services.

Drafting a simple will may seem like an easy and convenient way to plan for one’s passing. However, it is essential to understand that simple wills can carry significant costs and confusion for those left behind. The good news is that a Countrywide group legal plan and pre-paid legal services can help ensure that your wishes are fulfilled and that your heirs receive the most from your estate. These services offer legal professionals who understand estate laws and can help navigate the complexities of drafting a will. They can also provide support if disputes arise after the will has been executed. By taking advantage of what Countrywide has to offer, employees are doing the responsible thing for themselves and their loved ones.

If you are interested in our group legal plan benefits, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Countrywide is willing to discuss our options with anyone, and we would appreciate the chance to explain them to you

The Next Gen Agent’s Super Suit: Insurance Distribution Management

The Next Gen Agent’s Super Suit: Insurance Distribution Management

As long as there have been superheroes, there have been super suits. The suit’s original purpose was to distinguish the superhero from the average person on the street and to give them a brand of their own. When the superhero showed up, everyone knew, “Here’s our hero.” But even if the super suit began as a symbol, it quickly evolved (as writers grew more creative) into a tool with its own powers. Today’s superhero suits are clever and unique. Whether it is Iron Man’s armor, created by Tony Stark himself, or the Incredibles’ customized suits —stretchable and fireproof — their functionality is part of the superhero personality. Suit technology gives them more options on how to save the world.

The right insurance distribution management tools play a similar role. They not only provide super support to those who need them during important moments (the right capabilities to meet today’s complex insurance needs), but they also allow themselves to be customized to the user and their work. They can be fitted. This makes them incredibly valuable to insurers and distributors who utilize them day after day. The challenge is that many insurers don’t recognize the superpowers that distribution management solutions can wield in a competitive environment, playing a substantial role in insurance growth and market reach.

The state of an insurer’s distribution management channel options and capabilities can be a predictive indicator of an insurer’s growth in years to come.

Distribution management is foundational

In Majesco’s Thought Leadership report, Realignment in Insurance: Legacy Core Impact, we looked at varied strategic activities for correlations between particular efforts and an insurer’s growth potential. Looking at these activities helps insurers consider foundational priorities to build a future-ready insurance organization.

A new foundation requires the right investment across key areas and can make a substantial difference in growth, as reflected in Figure 1. Majesco’s research shows that insurers focused on and investing in replacing legacy core, creating new products, defining new business models, expanding channels, reallocating resources to the future business, and innovation initiatives report significantly higher growth than those who do not – from 1.4 to 1.95 times difference.

Insurers with a higher level of strategic activity around expanding channels, new products, and new business models are 1.4 to 1.8 times more likely to grow as those who have lower strategic activity, even if they have stronger growth in some areas.

Expanding channels and new business models are both impacted by an insurance company’s willingness to upgrade their distribution management systems.

Figure 1: Impacts of strategic activities on growth

The Next Gen Agent’s Super Suit: Insurance Distribution Management

Competing in today’s marketplace requires speed to market for new products, channels, and experiences. Replacement of legacy systems and building a next-gen distribution model can fast-forward insurers to a position of competitive leadership and growth.

Distribution Management today vs. yesterday. What’s different?

In an era where customer expectations on where and how to buy insurance are rapidly evolving, the distribution landscape is undergoing seismic shifts. Traditional agent-based models remain dominant but are making room for new channels from direct-to-customer to marketplaces, MGAs, affinity, embedded, and more.

At the same time, consolidation of agencies and brokers continues, creating a shift in power and expectation of “ease of doing business” with insurers. This spans from onboarding and compliance to performance and relationship management, compensation management, reporting, and digital portals for engagement. Regulatory complexities are amplifying, requiring adjustments and real-time compliance.

Out of necessity, insurers increasingly realize they require more robust capabilities and technology to effectively manage an ever-present complex environment. Unfortunately, many distribution operations are managed within legacy policy, spreadsheets, or home-grown solutions which struggle to keep up with the complexity and demands of a dynamic distribution market.

As a result, distribution management technology is rising in priority.

Generally, there are four areas of focus:

  • Onboarding and compliance
  • Compensation management
  • Performance and relationship management
  • Distributor portals

In Majesco’s strategic priorities survey, we asked about each of these components individually so that we could gain a priority view.   Unfortunately, we found that well over 50-60% of insurers are not focusing on the first three: onboarding, compensation, and relationship management. Very few are replacing or adding a new system, potentially putting them at a disadvantage operationally and competitively in an increasingly competitive distribution landscape.  

However, when analyzing the results based on Leaders versus Followers and Laggards, a different view emerges as shown in Figure 2. Leaders stand out dramatically – by nearly 2-3 times – in their focus on all these areas, creating a distinctive competitive advantage over Followers and Laggards. With the accelerated consolidation of the primary channel of agents, Leaders are positioned to attract more business given their greater ability to create “ease of doing business.”  

Effectively managing and responding to the demands of agents, as well as the proliferation of new channels, is crucial to growth and market reach and cannot be accomplished using legacy methods and technology. Tapping into the potential of every channel requires different compensation programs and innovative, forward-looking measures that adapt to the distribution channel demands and differences.

Complexity and out-of-date insurance processes, particularly with distribution, impact the growth and profitability of almost every line of business.

Figure 2: Development of distribution management systems, by Leaders, Followers, Laggards

The fourth area of focus is digital experiences via an agent portal. With digital demands outpacing the engagement capabilities of many insurers, the industry has arrived at a time of reckoning – and the stakes are extremely high. Agents are demanding a better experience than what they have before. In insurance, that experience can be created with next-gen digital portals that have greater capabilities that help retain or regain trust and satisfaction.

The survey results for agent portals in Figure 3 reflect once again the substantial difference between Leaders versus Followers and Laggards, particularly in developing a next-gen agent portal, where Leaders’ activity is 2 to 4.5 times greater. Leaders are aggressively moving away from the first-generation portals to create a differentiated experience and enable “ease of doing business.”

Insurers who help agents decrease the time and cost of their operations will win their loyalty and business.

Agents will gravitate to and place business with insurers who align with their expectations and needs of ease of doing business, particularly for placement and servicing of business. Insurers who can do so and help agents decrease the time and cost of their operations will win their loyalty and business.

Figure 3: Insurers’ level of activity in developing or improving the agent experience, by Leaders, Followers, Laggards

Interestingly enough, the same trend appears with customer portals, with Leaders outpacing Followers and Laggards in developing a new portal as shown in Figure 4, aligning with insureds increasing expectations.

Figure 4: Insurers’ level of activity in developing or improving the customer experience, by Leaders, Followers, Laggards

Insurers can orchestrate the complexities of technologies to deliver an experience tailored to the agent or customer rather than the technology that is servicing their needs.

Next-gen agent and customer digital portals offer significant value, including:

  • Agents and insureds have access to real-time policy information and the ability to pay bills, submit claims, view claims status, and more.
  • Customized processes adapt to personal preferences, creating the “personalized effect.”
  • Mobile and browser access provides connections whenever and wherever it is needed.

Agents and customers today expect an integrated, unified, and cohesive digital experience that services all their needs and is “easy to use.” Next-gen digital portals are a reality today, one that Leaders are aggressively embracing to differentiate themselves in the market.

The Impact of GenAI and AI on Agent and Customer Portals

The super suit of distribution management is growing more powerful with the introduction of GenAI capabilities into distribution management solutions. In Majesco’s Distribution Management, users will find Majesco Copilot, a digital assistant that is driving operational efficiencies and productivity, allowing insurers to accelerate “ease of doing business” by optimizing distribution operations with 70-90% time savings for various transactions.  More importantly, insurers have access to all their distribution operational data in real time to gain insights and manage their channels more effectively with embedded business intelligence dashboards.  

Launching any new endeavor in insurance requires a thoughtful approach. What will be our ROI? How will this impact other areas of the organization? Insurance distribution management transformation checks many of the right boxes regarding organizational impact. It enhances and builds relationships, it makes work and life easier for people and it brings the organization back to the idea that the heart of great service is attention to detail, not only for customers but for those who support the business at every level of the distribution process. Distribution management will open insurers up to new channel possibilities, solidify relationships, and streamline vital business operations, inside and outside the organization.

For a look at additional tools for insurers and agents, be sure to watch Majesco’s webinar, Changing the Conversation and Competitive Landscape: Making it Easy for Agencies to do Business with Insurers to Grow their Books of Business.

The post The Next Gen Agent’s Super Suit: Insurance Distribution Management appeared first on Majesco.

National Association of Professional Insurance Agents Appoints Michael Skiados as CEO

National Association of Professional Insurance Agents Appoints Michael Skiados as CEO

National Association of Professional Insurance Agents Appoints Michael Skiados as CEO
Michael Skiados

WASHINGTON, DC—The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) today named Michael Skiados, MBA, CAE, as CEO following an extensive search process.  PIA, in partnership with its nationwide network of affiliates, provides services, education, advocacy, and support for independent insurance agents. Skiados will join the organization on October 15, 2024.

Skiados is a leader in association growth and management with more than 20 years of experience running membership, education, marketing, and operations for a variety of large associations. He most recently served as managing director of membership strategy and engagement with The American Institute of Architects. In prior roles, his contributions have resulted in significant growth in membership and engagement, and new ways to unite association chapters. He held key positions with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, and ASAE, The Center for Association Leadership.

At PIA, Skiados will focus on identifying ways to better serve members and affiliates, including creating new products and services, and education, leveraging PIA’s Certified Professional Insurance Agent (CPIA) designation. He will also work closely with the PIA Partnership, the organization’s carrier council, and its Technology Council.

“Mike’s ability to transform the member experience, combined with his operational expertise, will create significant opportunities for PIA affiliates and agency members,” said Richard Savino, PIA National President. “We are thrilled to welcome him to PIA—his proven track record in innovation and growth will propel us to new levels of excellence.”

“One of the most exciting things about Mike is his ability to understand what members want from their associations and develop ways to deliver on those unmet needs,” said Gerald Hemphill, PIA National Immediate Past President and head of the Search Committee. “This is a unique skill set that he has applied in other roles with significant results, and we’re eager for him to drive this forward at PIA.”

About PIA

Founded in 1931, PIA is a national trade association that represents member insurance agents and their employees who sell and service all kinds of insurance and specialize in coverage of automobiles, homes and businesses. PIA’s web address is www.pianational.org 

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Why is my electric bill so high?

Why is my electric bill so high?

As we move towards winter and temperatures have started to fall, you may have noticed your electric bill going up. And you certainly wouldn’t be the only one. HVAC can account for up to 50% of your electricity bill. The winter holidays are right around the corner. Heating systems running around the clock, holiday lights and house guests using extra energy and folks spending more time at home all help make your electric bill so high.

Global prices have risen as a result of a shortage of natural gas producers. It’s not unusual to see winter heating costs increase your electricity costs. But as global consumption remains high amid low natural gas supplies, we can prepare to see higher than normal electricity bills.

Luckily, we know a thing or two about keeping your electric bills within a reasonable price range. So, if your electric bills are getting too high for you to keep a cool head, read on! We’ve put together our best advice to save energy and bring down your bill, as well as some info on homeowner’s insurance, so you can protect your newly energy-efficient home.

Heating and cooling

As mentioned above, the amount of energy required to keep your home comfortable can really add up when it comes to cost. In the colder months, heating can have a hefty impact on your bill as well. But you don’t want to be stuck sweating or shivering in your home, either. So, how can you beat high electric bills without compromising on comfort?

Look out for leaks!

Did your parents get after you for leaving doors and windows open as a child? Does “you’re letting the heat out!” ring a bell? Well, it turns out they were on to something! According to the U.S. Department of Energy, reducing leaks and drafts in your home can save you between 5 and 30 percent in energy costs every year. To cash in on these savings and for a more pleasant electricity bill, you can:

  • Use caulk and/or weather-stripping materials to seal air leaks around your doors, windows, and openings for plumbing, ducts, and wiring.
  • Install foam gaskets behind outlets and switch plates that are leaking air.
  • Fill in large gaps around your baseboards with foam sealant.
  • Seal gaps around furnaces and water heater vents with fire-resistant materials such as cement caulk, sheetrock, or sheet metal.

Reevaluate your refrigerator

It goes without saying that you should keep your fridge cold. But, if you have it set to a lower temperature than necessary, you could be raising your electric bill without reaping any extra food safety benefits. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, you should keep your fridge somewhere between 35 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit.

Don’t forget about your filters!

Dirty air filters both affect indoor air quality and make it more difficult for your HVAC system to work efficiently, driving up your electric bill. Make sure to replace your air filter every month to keep your bills down and your HVAC system in good working condition.

Open up your air vents

Keeping all of your air vents and interior doors open can help keep air circulating properly throughout your home. Just as in the tip above, this means a lower workload for your HVAC system and a lower electric bill for you.

Consider a smart thermostat

You don’t need to be up to date on all the latest tech trends to think about the benefits a smart thermostat could have for your home. While many models do offer system integrations with your smartphone, their biggest benefit may be in bringing down your bill. Many smart thermostats can be set to a specific heating and cooling schedule, and some can even use occupancy sensors to determine whether or not you’re at home and adjust the temperature accordingly.

Water use and your electric bill

Excessive water usage can also be a big factor in why more of your utility money than usual is going down the drain. To combat water waste and keep your costs down, you have a few different options.

Let the dishwasher do the work

While it may seem counterintuitive, washing your dishes by hand actually uses more water than washing them in the dishwasher. And surprisingly, dishwashers actually work better on un-rinsed dishes. So, to save yourself some money (and some effort):

  • Do use your dishwasher
  • Don’t wash your dishes by hand
  • Do wait until the dishwasher is full to run it
  • Don’t rinse your dishes beforehand

Wash your clothes in cool

Unless you absolutely must wash specific clothes in hot water, wash your clothes in cold or lukewarm water instead. According to EnergyStar.gov, about 90% of your washing machine’s energy consumption comes from heating up the water.

Swap out your showerhead

This may come as a surprise, but the showerhead that came installed in your home might not be the most energy-efficient option. Consider a low-flow shower head for a replacement. Low-flow doesn’t necessarily mean low water pressure, either — with many different options on the market, you can still enjoy a powerful shower with fewer gallons per minute.

Reset your hot water heater

If you’re noticing issues with hot water in your home, it may be worth a shot to reset your hot water heater. This can help make sure it is working properly and efficiently, both lowering your bill and keeping your home safe.

Out with the old (appliances)

Replacing any of your appliances that are past their expiration dates is a great way to make sure you are getting as much energy efficiency as possible out of your home.

Power and Lighting

You’re probably already aware that turning off the lights when you leave a room is a good way to save electricity. But, you don’t have to stop there when cutting down on your power and lighting usage.

Light your home for less

…with energy-efficient light bulbs! These types of light bulbs have gotten a bad rap over the years for not being bright enough, but with more options out there than ever, you’re sure to find one that works for you. Using energy efficient light bulbs helps control how much electricity is being consumed. When your power usage decreases, so will your next electric bill.

Start out with a smart plug

Even if you aren’t ready to fully jump on the smart home trend, a smart plug is a good way to get your feet wet. Smart plugs let you control wired appliances from your phone — for example, you can use smart plugs with your lamps to schedule them to only turn on at certain times of the day, thus saving both money and electricity.

Fight phantom electricity usage

Although the term “phantom electricity” sounds spooky, it’s very common to have this type of wasted energy usage haunting your home. Phantom electricity usage occurs when you leave appliances, phone chargers, and other devices plugged in when not in use. Even though you aren’t using them, they’re still using your power and contributing to your bill.

The takeaway

After reading this article, we hope you feel more in control of your climbing electric bill. As we’ve learned, there are some pretty small changes you can make that can add up to shocking savings.

While you’re saving on your electric bill, why not consider saving on homeowners insurance as well? Elephant offers competitive rates and customized plans to help protect you, your home, and your wallet. Get a quote today!

Article last updated on October 16th, 2023 at 3:28 pm

Best Pet Insurance for Dogs

Best Pet Insurance for Dogs

Pet insurance for dogs is becoming increasingly popular among pet owners. This is not surprising considering the rising costs of veterinary care and the desire to provide the best possible healthcare for furry family members. In this article, we will explore the importance of pet insurance, the key features to look for in a plan, the top providers in the market, how to choose the right insurance for your dog, real stories from pet owners, and frequently asked questions about pet insurance.

Understanding the Importance of Pet Insurance

Why You Need Pet Insurance for Your Dog

Owning a dog brings immense joy and companionship, but it also comes with responsibilities, including their healthcare. Dogs, just like humans, can get sick or injured, and their medical needs can become a financial burden. Pet insurance provides you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing you can afford the necessary care for your furry friend.

When you bring a new dog into your home, it’s important to consider their overall well-being. Regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations are essential for maintaining their health. However, these routine expenses can quickly add up over time. Pet insurance helps alleviate the financial strain by covering a portion or all of these costs, depending on the policy you choose.

But what about emergencies? Accidents can happen at any time, and when they do, it’s crucial to have the means to provide immediate medical attention for your dog. Whether it’s a broken bone, ingested foreign object, or sudden illness, emergency veterinary care can be expensive. Pet insurance ensures that you can make decisions based on your dog’s well-being rather than your financial situation.

The Financial Implications of Pet Health Care

While it’s impossible to predict when your dog will need medical attention, it’s crucial to understand the potential financial implications. An unexpected illness or injury can lead to significant veterinary bills, which can be difficult to manage without insurance.

Consider a scenario where your dog develops a chronic condition that requires ongoing treatment and medication. Without insurance, the cost of these long-term treatments can become overwhelming. It may force you to make difficult decisions about your dog’s care, potentially compromising their quality of life.

With pet insurance, you pay a monthly premium, which can vary depending on factors such as your dog’s breed, age, and the coverage options you choose. However, the cost of insurance is typically much lower than the potential cost of treating a serious condition or injury out of pocket. Investing in pet insurance can save you from having to make difficult decisions based on your financial situation, ensuring your dog receives the necessary care when they need it most.

Furthermore, pet insurance not only covers medical expenses but can also provide additional benefits. Some policies offer coverage for alternative therapies, behavioral training, and even boarding fees in case you are unable to care for your dog temporarily. These added benefits can further enhance your dog’s overall well-being and provide you with peace of mind.

In conclusion, pet insurance is a vital investment for every dog owner. It offers financial protection and allows you to prioritize your dog’s health without worrying about the cost. Whether it’s routine check-ups, emergency care, or long-term treatments, pet insurance ensures that you can provide the best possible care for your furry friend throughout their life.

Enter your ZIP code below to view companies that have cheap insurance rates.

Best Pet Insurance for DogsBest Pet Insurance for Dogs Secured with SHA-256 Encryption

Key Features of a Good Pet Insurance Plan

When considering pet insurance for your dog, it’s important to evaluate the coverage options offered by different providers. A comprehensive plan should cover accidents, illnesses, and hereditary conditions. Look for coverage that includes diagnostic tests, surgeries, hospitalization, and prescription medications. Additionally, some plans offer coverage for alternative therapies, rehabilitation, and even behavioral treatments.

Having a pet is a significant responsibility, and ensuring their health and well-being is essential. Just like humans, pets can also experience accidents and illnesses that require medical attention. This is where pet insurance comes in handy. It provides financial protection and peace of mind, knowing that your furry friend will receive the necessary care without breaking the bank.

Read the policy carefully to understand any exclusions or limitations. Some conditions, such as pre-existing conditions or breed-specific health issues, may not be covered. Make sure to choose a plan that suits your dog’s specific needs and potential health risks.

Imagine this scenario: your dog is running around the park, chasing after a ball, when suddenly, they trip and injure their leg. Without pet insurance, you may find yourself faced with a hefty veterinary bill. However, with the right coverage, you can rest assured that your dog’s medical expenses will be taken care of, allowing them to recover quickly and get back to their playful self.

Deductibles and Premiums

When comparing pet insurance plans, consider both the deductibles and premiums. The deductible is the amount you need to pay before the insurance coverage kicks in. A higher deductible typically results in a lower monthly premium, while a lower deductible means higher monthly premiums.

Choosing the right deductible and premium combination requires careful consideration. It’s important to assess your financial situation and determine how much you are willing to pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage begins. Factors such as your dog’s age, breed, and potential health risks should also be taken into account.

For example, if you have a young and healthy dog, you may opt for a higher deductible and lower premium since the likelihood of needing immediate medical attention is relatively low. On the other hand, if you have an older dog or a breed prone to certain health conditions, a lower deductible and higher premium may be a better choice to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Limitations and Exclusions

Every pet insurance plan has limitations and exclusions. While it’s essential to have coverage for accidents, illnesses, and hereditary conditions, make sure to review the policy to understand any specific exclusions. Some common exclusions include pre-existing conditions, breeding costs, cosmetic procedures, and elective treatments.

Understanding the limitations and exclusions of a policy will help you make an informed decision about the coverage that best suits your dog’s needs and your budget. Remember, no pet insurance plan covers everything, but finding one that covers the most critical aspects is crucial.

Imagine discovering that your dog has a pre-existing condition that requires ongoing treatment. In such a case, it’s important to choose a pet insurance plan that offers coverage for pre-existing conditions or at least provides partial coverage. This way, you can ensure that your dog receives the necessary care without having to bear the entire financial burden.

Furthermore, some pet insurance plans offer additional benefits such as coverage for routine wellness visits, vaccinations, and even dental care. These extras can be valuable in maintaining your dog’s overall health and preventing potential issues from arising.

As a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to consider all aspects of a pet insurance plan before making a decision. Take the time to compare different providers, read policy details, and assess your dog’s specific needs. By doing so, you can find a pet insurance plan that offers the right coverage, deductibles, and premiums to ensure your furry friend’s well-being for years to come.

Top Pet Insurance Providers for Dogs

When it comes to protecting your furry friend, finding the right pet insurance provider is essential. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the best one for your dog’s needs. To help you in your search, we have compiled a list of the top pet insurance providers for dogs. Read on to learn more about each provider and what sets them apart.

Provider 1 Review

Provider 1 is a top choice for dog owners seeking comprehensive pet insurance coverage. Their plans go above and beyond, offering protection for accidents, illnesses, hereditary conditions, and even behavioral treatments. This means that no matter what health issue your dog may face, Provider 1 has got you covered.

One of the standout features of Provider 1 is their extensive network of trusted veterinarians. This network ensures that you can easily access high-quality care for your furry friend. Whether you need a routine check-up or specialized treatment, you can rest assured that your dog will receive the best care possible.

In addition to their comprehensive coverage, Provider 1 also offers competitive premiums and flexible coverage options. This means that you can find a plan that fits your budget while still ensuring that your dog’s health care needs are met. It’s no wonder that Provider 1 is a popular choice among dog owners.

Provider 2 Review

Provider 2 is another top contender in the pet insurance industry, known for its excellent customer service and prompt claim processing. When it comes to protecting your dog, having a provider that is responsive and efficient is crucial.

What sets Provider 2 apart is its range of coverage options. They understand that every dog is unique and has different health care needs. That’s why they offer a variety of plans, allowing you to customize coverage that suits your dog’s specific requirements. From basic accident coverage to comprehensive plans that include routine care, Provider 2 has options for every budget.

Another advantage of choosing Provider 2 is their extensive network of veterinarians. This network ensures that your dog will have access to the best care available. Whether you live in a bustling city or a remote area, Provider 2 has you covered.

Provider 3 Review

Provider 3 is a standout choice for dog owners who value straightforward policies and transparent communication. They understand that pet insurance can sometimes be confusing, which is why they strive to make everything as clear and simple as possible.

When it comes to coverage, Provider 3 offers comprehensive protection for accidents, illnesses, and hereditary conditions. This means that you can have peace of mind knowing that your dog’s health care needs are fully taken care of.

In addition to their standard coverage, Provider 3 also offers optional add-ons for routine care and alternative therapies. This means that you can tailor your policy to include the specific treatments and services that your dog may need. With Provider 3, you have the flexibility to create a plan that suits your dog’s unique requirements.

Managing your pet insurance policy and filing claims is a breeze with Provider 3’s user-friendly online portal. They understand that your time is valuable, so they have made it easy for you to access and manage your policy information. This streamlined process ensures that you can focus on what matters most – taking care of your beloved dog.

Now that you have a better understanding of the top pet insurance providers for dogs, you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you and your furry friend. Remember, investing in pet insurance is a proactive way to protect your dog’s health and well-being, giving you peace of mind for the future.

How to Choose the Right Pet Insurance for Your Dog

Choosing the right pet insurance for your dog is an important decision that can provide peace of mind and financial security. While the given information provides a good starting point, there are several additional factors to consider when selecting a plan.

Consider Your Dog’s Breed and Age

Different dog breeds have varying health risks, and age plays a significant role in your dog’s insurance needs. It is essential to research and understand any breed-specific health issues and potential hereditary conditions. For example, large breeds like Great Danes may be more prone to hip dysplasia, while small breeds like Chihuahuas may have dental problems. By considering these factors, you can choose a plan that covers the specific health concerns of your dog’s breed.

Furthermore, puppies and senior dogs may require additional coverage as they are more susceptible to accidents and illnesses. Puppies, in their playful nature, may be more prone to accidents, while senior dogs may develop age-related conditions that require ongoing care. It is crucial to select a plan that aligns with your dog’s unique needs at different stages of their life.

Evaluate Your Financial Situation

Assessing your financial situation is vital when choosing pet insurance. It is essential to determine how much you can comfortably spend on your dog’s healthcare without straining your budget. Take into account your monthly expenses and the potential costs of treatment and medication without insurance.

When evaluating different plans, consider the deductible and premium combination that works best for you. A lower deductible may result in higher monthly premiums, while a higher deductible may lower your monthly costs but increase your out-of-pocket expenses in case of a claim. It is crucial to strike a balance that ensures you can afford both the monthly payments and any potential out-of-pocket expenses.

Understand Your Dog’s Health Needs

Understanding your dog’s health needs is essential to choose the most suitable pet insurance plan. Consider your dog’s overall health and any pre-existing conditions they may have. If your dog has a chronic condition, such as allergies or arthritis, make sure the policy covers ongoing treatment and medication for that specific condition.

Additionally, take into account your dog’s lifestyle and daily activities. If your dog is highly active or participates in sports like agility or flyball, they may have a higher risk of injuries. In such cases, it is crucial to evaluate coverage options that include accidents and injuries. Similarly, if your dog spends a lot of time outdoors or in environments where they may be exposed to potential risks like ticks or parasites, consider a plan that covers preventive care and vaccinations.

Ultimately, choosing the right pet insurance for your dog requires careful consideration of their breed, age, financial situation, and health needs. By taking the time to research and evaluate different plans, you can make an informed decision that provides the best possible coverage and protection for your beloved furry friend.

Enter your ZIP code below to view companies that have cheap insurance rates.

Best Pet Insurance for DogsBest Pet Insurance for Dogs Secured with SHA-256 Encryption

Real Stories: Pet Owners and Their Experience with Pet Insurance

Story 1

One pet owner, Sarah, shares her experience with pet insurance. She adopted a rescue dog with unknown medical history. Within a few months, her dog developed a congenital heart condition that required ongoing treatment and medication. Sarah’s pet insurance plan covered the majority of the expenses, enabling her to provide the best possible care for her beloved dog without worrying about the financial burden.

Story 2

Mark, another pet owner, faced a traumatic accident when his dog was hit by a car. Thanks to his pet insurance plan, Mark was able to rush his dog to the emergency veterinarian without any hesitation. The insurance covered the surgery, medications, and follow-up visits, which helped his dog recover fully. Mark is grateful for the peace of mind that pet insurance provided during a difficult time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pet Insurance for Dogs

Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

While the decision to invest in pet insurance ultimately rests with each pet owner, it is generally considered worth it. Pet insurance provides financial protection against unexpected medical expenses and ensures that your dog can receive proper care when needed. By having insurance, you can make medical decisions for your dog based on what’s best for their health rather than being limited by financial constraints.

What Does Pet Insurance Typically Cover?

Most pet insurance plans cover accidents, illnesses, and hereditary conditions. This includes diagnostic tests, surgeries, hospitalization, and medications. However, it’s important to review the policy carefully to understand any exclusions or limitations. Routine care, such as vaccinations and preventive treatments, may require additional coverage or be offered as optional add-ons.

How Does Pet Insurance Work?

After choosing a pet insurance plan, you pay a monthly premium. When your dog requires medical care, you pay the veterinary bill upfront. Afterward, you submit a claim to your insurance provider, along with any necessary documentation. Once the claim is processed, you will be reimbursed for the covered expenses according to the terms of your plan. The reimbursement process may vary depending on the provider, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the specific procedures outlined by your chosen insurance company.

In conclusion, pet insurance for dogs is a valuable investment that provides financial protection and peace of mind. Understanding the importance of pet insurance, considering key features of a good plan, researching top providers, and taking into account your dog’s specific needs will help you make an informed decision. Real stories from pet owners and answers to frequently asked questions provide further insight into the benefits and workings of pet insurance. By choosing the right pet insurance for your dogs, you can ensure they receive the best possible care without the added stress of overwhelming veterinary expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is pet insurance for dogs?

Pet insurance for dogs is a type of insurance policy that helps cover the cost of veterinary care for your furry friend. It provides financial protection in case your dog gets injured or becomes ill.

Why is it important to have pet insurance for dogs?

Having pet insurance for dogs is important because it can help you afford the necessary medical treatments for your dog without worrying about the cost. It ensures that your dog receives the best care possible when they need it the most.

What does the term “best pet insurance for dogs” mean?

The term “best pet insurance for dogs” refers to insurance policies that are highly rated and provide comprehensive coverage for your dog’s healthcare needs. It typically includes coverage for accidents, illnesses, surgeries, medications, and other veterinary services.

How do I choose the best pet insurance for my dog?

When choosing the best pet insurance for your dog, consider factors such as coverage options, cost, deductible, reimbursement percentage, waiting periods, and customer reviews. It’s important to compare different insurance providers and their policies to find the one that suits your dog’s needs and your budget.

What factors should I consider when comparing pet insurance policies for dogs?

When comparing pet insurance policies for dogs, consider factors such as coverage limits, exclusions, pre-existing conditions, waiting periods, reimbursement methods, customer service, and the overall reputation of the insurance provider. These factors will help you determine which policy offers the best value for your dog’s healthcare needs.

Can I get pet insurance for an older dog?

Yes, you can get pet insurance for an older dog. However, some insurance providers may have age restrictions or higher premiums for older dogs. It’s important to check with different insurance companies to find one that offers coverage for your dog’s age group.

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Best Pet Insurance for DogsBest Pet Insurance for Dogs Secured with SHA-256 Encryption

Chris Huntley

Founder & Published Insurance Expert

I started Insurance Blog by Chris™ because I have a passion for insurance. Here at the blog, our job is to educate and inform people about the best insurance for them.
Since then, we have grown into national brands with a large team of researchers helping people understand all forms of insurance.

Founder & Published Insurance Expert

Kristen Gryglik

Licensed Insurance Agent

Kristen is a licensed insurance agent working in the greater Boston area. She has over 20 years of experience counseling individuals and businesses on which insurance policies best fit their needs and budgets. She knows everyone has their own unique needs and circumstances, and she is passionate about counseling others on which policy is right for them.
Licensed in Massachusetts, New Hampshire,…

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CH Insurance, Your LOCAL Partner for Insurance, Risk Management & Group Benefits

CH Insurance, Your LOCAL Partner for Insurance, Risk Management & Group Benefits

CH Insurance, Your LOCAL Partner for Insurance, Risk Management & Group Benefits

Massive shifts have transformed workplaces and the world, including the insurance industry. From the advent of AI and digital innovations to evolving customer expectations, each era has brought challenges and opportunities within the insurance industry.

Spanning multiple generations, the CH Team has talented people with unique perspectives and skills. While our beliefs may differ, the ties that bind include our Four Cornerstones: Conversation. Collaboration. Change. Community. This shared commitment creates necessary diversity and fosters a dynamic work environment where traditional wisdom meets the best industry standards. We leverage technology to streamline processes, enhance accuracy, and provide more efficient and effective systems. As we expand programs like CH’s BOOST for small businesses, clients and the community can continue to count on CH for local, personalized five-star service and experiences. These very programs assist our employees in adapting well to the increasing pace of change that’s inevitable today.

Understanding that customer service expectations have evolved, we remain committed to a personal touch, blending modern efficiency with the trust and reliability that have always defined our family-centric approach every day, in every way. Our employees are trained to adapt to these changes, providing tailored solutions that reflect the best of both worlds. This personal touch ensures that you, our clients, always feel valued and understood.

CH Insurance stands at the intersection of enduring values and future innovation to protect your family and business. As an Independent LOCAL agency, we embrace the marketplace for you by fostering conversations and connections and harnessing technology.  We continue to meet the local insurance marketplace demands while upholding our tradition of excellence. This ensures that every employee and every client feels and knows for sure that we’re in their corner.

Original Article Published in the CNY Business Journal

Hilb Group Acquires Rhode Island-based OceanPoint Insurance

Hilb Group Acquires Rhode Island-based OceanPoint Insurance

Hilb Group Acquires Rhode Island-based OceanPoint InsuranceHilb Group Acquires Rhode Island-based OceanPoint Insurance

Richmond, VA — December 26, 2022 — The Hilb Group announced today that it has partnered with Rhode Island-based OceanPoint Insurance, building upon the company’s growing presence as a market leader in the New England region. The transaction became effective December 1, 2022.

Based in Middletown, Rhode Island, and with offices throughout the state, OceanPoint has been serving the southeastern New England community for more than 150 years. The agency provides complete property and casualty products and solutions, as well as broad employee benefits offerings for their clients in both commercial and personal lines. Agency principal Doug Mayhew and his team of insurance professionals will join the Hilb Group’s New England regional operations.

“Joining the Hilb Group presents an exciting opportunity for our business and those we serve,” Doug Mayhew said. “The partnership we have created will deliver greater access to resources for our agency, our employees, and our customers. We approached this process carefully and realized that the Hilb Group’s service-driven culture represented the ideal fit for our team and the customers that depend on us.”

“OceanPoint aligns perfectly with our strategy of growing among industry leaders, as the agency brings a tremendous history of insurance experience and expertise, combined with deep, trusted client relationships, broad market presence, and an outstanding reputation,” said Hilb Group CEO Ricky Spiro. “We are pleased to welcome them to the Hilb Group and look forward to our growth for the future.”

DIY Alternatives: Creating a Savings Account Instead of Buying Pet Insurance

DIY Alternatives: Creating a Savings Account Instead of Buying Pet Insurance

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As pet owners, we all want the best for our furry friends. We provide them with love, attention, and care, but sometimes unexpected health issues can arise. Just like humans, pets can get sick or injured, and the cost of veterinary care can be quite high. In recent years, the cost of pet healthcare has been on the rise, making it more important than ever to have a plan in place for unexpected expenses.

The rising costs of pet healthcare can be attributed to several factors. Advances in veterinary medicine have led to more sophisticated treatments and procedures, which come with a higher price tag. Additionally, the cost of medications and specialized diets for pets has also increased. These factors, combined with the rising cost of living in general, have made it increasingly difficult for pet owners to afford the necessary care for their furry companions.

Having a plan in place for unexpected veterinary expenses is crucial to ensure that your pet receives the care they need without breaking the bank. This is where pet insurance comes into play. Pet insurance is designed to help cover the cost of veterinary care, including surgeries, medications, and emergency treatments. By having a pet insurance policy in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that you will be able to provide your pet with the care they need without worrying about the financial burden.

The High Cost of Pet Insurance: Is it Worth it?

While pet insurance can provide financial protection in case of unexpected veterinary expenses, it does come with its own set of pros and cons. One of the main drawbacks of pet insurance is the high cost of premiums and deductibles. Depending on the coverage you choose and the age and breed of your pet, monthly premiums can range from $20 to $100 or more. Additionally, most pet insurance policies have annual deductibles that need to be met before coverage kicks in.

Despite the high cost, there are situations where pet insurance may be worth the investment. For example, if you have a breed that is prone to certain health issues or if you have a young pet that is more likely to require veterinary care, having pet insurance can provide peace of mind. Additionally, if your pet requires a major surgery or ongoing treatment for a chronic condition, the cost of veterinary care can quickly add up. In these cases, having pet insurance can help alleviate the financial burden and ensure that your pet receives the necessary care.

DIY Alternatives to Pet Insurance: What are They?

If the high cost of pet insurance is a deterrent for you, there are alternative options available. One such option is self-insurance, where you set aside a certain amount of money each month into a savings account specifically for your pet’s healthcare expenses. This allows you to have control over your pet’s healthcare budget and can be a more affordable option in the long run.

Another alternative to traditional pet insurance is a discount plan. These plans work by offering discounted rates on veterinary services and medications. While they do not provide coverage for all veterinary expenses like insurance does, they can help reduce the cost of routine care and preventative treatments.

Creating a Pet Savings Account: How to Get Started

Creating a pet savings account is a great way to prepare for unexpected veterinary expenses without the need for traditional pet insurance. The first step is to open a separate savings account specifically for your pet’s healthcare expenses. This will help you keep track of how much money you have set aside and prevent it from getting mixed up with your personal finances.

Once you have opened a pet savings account, it’s important to start setting aside money on a regular basis. Determine how much you can comfortably afford to contribute each month and make it a priority. Treat it like any other bill or expense that needs to be paid. By consistently setting aside money, you will build up a fund that can be used for your pet’s healthcare needs.

Setting a Realistic Budget for Your Pet’s Health Care Needs

In addition to setting up a pet savings account, it’s important to create a realistic budget for your pet’s healthcare needs. This will help you determine how much money you need to set aside each month and ensure that you are prepared for any unexpected expenses that may arise.

When creating a budget, consider your pet’s specific needs. Take into account their age, breed, and any pre-existing conditions they may have. Certain breeds are more prone to certain health issues, so it’s important to factor this into your budget. Additionally, consider the cost of routine care such as vaccinations, check-ups, and preventative treatments.

Saving Money on Routine Pet Care: Preventative Measures

DIY Alternatives: Creating a Savings Account Instead of Buying Pet InsuranceDIY Alternatives: Creating a Savings Account Instead of Buying Pet Insurance

Preventative care is an important aspect of keeping your pet healthy and can help save you money in the long run. By taking proactive measures to prevent illness and injury, you can reduce the likelihood of needing expensive veterinary treatments.

One way to save money on routine pet care is by staying up to date with vaccinations. Vaccinations help protect your pet from common diseases and can prevent costly treatments down the line. Additionally, regular check-ups with your veterinarian can help catch any potential health issues early on, before they become more serious and expensive to treat.

Another way to save money on routine pet care is by taking advantage of discounted services. Many veterinary clinics offer discounted rates for vaccinations and other routine procedures during certain times of the year. Keep an eye out for these promotions and take advantage of them to save money on your pet’s healthcare expenses.

Knowing When to Seek Professional Help: Emergency Situations

Knowing when to seek professional help for your pet is crucial in emergency situations. While it’s important to be prepared financially for unexpected veterinary expenses, it’s equally important to know when your pet needs immediate medical attention.

Some signs that your pet may be experiencing a medical emergency include difficulty breathing, severe bleeding, sudden collapse, or unresponsiveness. If you notice any of these symptoms or if your pet is in obvious distress, it’s important to seek veterinary care right away.

In emergency situations, time is of the essence, and delaying treatment can have serious consequences. If you are concerned about the cost of emergency care, there are options available to help make it more affordable. Some veterinary clinics offer payment plans or financing options, which can help spread out the cost of emergency treatments over time.

Finding Affordable Veterinary Care: Tips and Tricks

The rising costs of veterinary care can make it difficult for pet owners to afford the necessary treatments for their furry friends. However, there are ways to find affordable veterinary care without sacrificing quality.

One way to save money on veterinary care is by shopping around. Prices for veterinary services can vary greatly between clinics, so it’s worth calling around and comparing prices before making an appointment. Additionally, some clinics offer discounted rates for certain services or have special promotions that can help save you money.

Another way to save money on veterinary care is by negotiating prices. While not all clinics may be open to negotiation, it doesn’t hurt to ask if there is any flexibility in pricing. Some clinics may be willing to work with you, especially if you are a loyal customer or if you are facing financial hardship.

Other DIY Alternatives: Home Remedies and Natural Treatments

In addition to self-insurance and discount plans, there are other DIY alternatives to traditional pet insurance that can help save you money on your pet’s healthcare expenses. One such alternative is using home remedies and natural treatments for common pet ailments.

Home remedies and natural treatments can be effective for certain conditions and can help reduce the need for expensive veterinary treatments. For example, coconut oil can be used topically to soothe dry skin or hot spots, and apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural flea repellent. However, it’s important to note that not all home remedies and natural treatments are safe or effective for pets, so it’s important to do your research and consult with your veterinarian before trying any DIY treatments.

Making the Best Choice for Your Pet’s Health and Your Wallet

When it comes to pet healthcare, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best choice for your pet’s health and your wallet will depend on your pet’s specific needs and your own financial situation. Pet insurance can provide peace of mind and financial protection in case of unexpected veterinary expenses, but it does come with a high cost. DIY alternatives such as self-insurance and discount plans can be more affordable options, but they require discipline and research.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to be prepared for unexpected veterinary expenses. Whether you choose pet insurance, self-insurance, or a combination of DIY alternatives, having a plan in place will ensure that your pet receives the care they need without causing financial strain. By making an informed decision based on your pet’s specific needs and your own financial situation, you can provide the best possible care for your furry friend while also protecting your wallet.

If you’re considering DIY alternatives for pet insurance, you might also be interested in learning about homeowners insurance for new property. Settle Insurance provides comprehensive coverage options for homeowners, ensuring that your new property is protected against unexpected events. By creating a savings account instead of buying pet insurance, you can allocate those funds towards securing your home and belongings. Check out this informative article on homeowners insurance for new property to explore your options and make an informed decision.

Builders Risk Insurance & Winter Prep for Construction Sites

Builders Risk Insurance & Winter Prep for Construction Sites

As winter approaches, builders and contractors face unique challenges regarding construction sites. The cold temperatures, snow, and ice can put your project at risk. However, with the right planning and insurance, you can protect your investment and keep your construction site running smoothly. Let’s discuss essential winter preparations for construction sites, focusing on the importance of Builders Risk Insurance. 

Builders Risk Insurance & Winter Prep for Construction Sites
wooden frame for a building in snow

Winterizing Your Construction Site 

Before the winter chill sets in, it’s essential to winterize your construction site to minimize potential risks and ensure the safety of your project. Here are some key steps to take: 

  1. Protecting Equipment: Cold temperatures can have a negative impact on machinery and equipment. Make sure to store them in a sheltered area or use weatherproof covers. It’s also a good idea to keep your equipment well-lubricated to prevent freezing. 
  1. Snow Removal Plan: Set up a snow removal plan to keep your site accessible. Regularly clear snow and ice from pathways, parking areas, and entrances. This not only ensures safety but also keeps your project on schedule. 
  1. Heating Systems: If your project requires on-site offices or trailers, ensure they have proper heating systems. These should be regularly maintained and inspected for safety. 
  1. Materials Storage: Store materials indoors or under a protective cover to prevent damage from moisture and freezing temperatures. This helps avoid costly material replacement. 
  1. Insulate Pipes: Insulate water and plumbing systems to prevent freezing and potential damage. Burst pipes can be a significant setback for any construction project. 

Builders Risk Insurance: Your Winter Safety Net 

While these winter preparation steps are crucial, unforeseen events can still happen. This is where Builders Risk Insurance comes into play. Builders Risk Insurance is specifically designed to protect construction projects from risks like theft, vandalism, fire, and natural disasters, including winter-related issues. 

Winter preparations are a crucial part of construction site management, and Builders Risk Insurance plays a significant role in safeguarding your project. By taking steps to protect your equipment, materials, and site, you can minimize risks. 

Bankers Insurance Group is here to provide the coverage you need to ensure a successful winter construction season. Get a quote today. Our team is ready to assist you in finding the perfect Builders Risk Insurance coverage for your needs. Stay safe this winter season! 

Read more: Recipient of 2022 5-star Construction Excellence Award from Insurance Business America Magazine

Michigan Lost Wages Claim From Car Accident

Michigan Lost Wages Claim From Car Accident

Michigan Lost Wages Claim From Car Accident

In Michigan, a No-Fault lost wages claim from a car accident refers to the compensation you may be entitled to (85% of a person’s wages, tax-free, for up to three years from the date of the crash – regardless of fault) for the income you lost due to injuries sustained which prevent you from returning to work.

For crash victims and their families who are already worried about recovering from injuries, getting necessary medical care and continuing to pay bills, this No-Fault benefit is one of the most important legal rights that people have under our state’s unique auto No Fault law.

What are lost wages from a car accident in Michigan?

Under the Michigan No-Fault Law, a lost wages claim from a car accident provides reimbursement to crash victims for 85% of the income they would have earned during the first three years after the crash had their crash-related injuries not disabled them from returning to work. (MCL 500.3107(1)(b))

How to claim lost wages from a car accident in Michigan

To make a lost wages claim from a car accident in Michigan, a victim must: file an application for No-Fault benefits with the auto insurance company; provide proof of income lost from not returning to work; provide a work disability certificate from the doctor; and provide wage verification from his or her employer.

Any or all of the following documents can be used to provide “reasonable proof” of a victim’s income for purposes of claiming these No-Fault benefits:

  • A “Michigan Motor Vehicle No-Fault Insurance Law Wage, Salary and Benefits Verification” form completed by the victim’s employer.
  • A copy of the victim’s pay stubs for the two months prior to the crash.
  • A copy of the victim’s most recent W2, i.e., the Internal Revenue Service’s “Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement.”

To document that a doctor has deemed a crash victim disabled from returning to work, victims can use our “Work Disability Certificate” form.

The No-Fault law in Michigan merely requires “reasonable proof” be provided so a lost wages claim from a car accident can be paid in a prompt and expeditious manner. (MCL 500.3142(2))

Are these No-Fault benefits available if someone was temporarily unemployed?

Yes. For a Michigan crash victim who was “temporarily unemployed” — or even who was working reduced hours — at the time of a crash, his or her lost wages claim from a car accident shall be based on earned income for the last month employed full time preceding the crash. (MCL 500.3107a)

That means people who can show they are actively looking for employment when they are injured in a crash can still recover income loss from work from their No-Fault insurance companies.

How to claim lost wages from a car accident in Michigan?

In Michigan, to make a claim for lost wages after a car accident a person must have suffered an injury, i.e., an “accidental bodily injury,” resulting from a crash. (MCL 500.3105(1)) Additionally, the injury must be the reason that the crash victim is unable to return to work.

Can I claim lost wages for a car accident without injury in Michigan?

In Michigan, you cannot make a claim for lost wages if you have not suffered an injury in a car accident that prevents you from working. Michigan No-Fault benefits, including reimbursement for income losses, are payable only if a person has suffered an “accidental bodily injury” from a crash.

Calculating A Claim

Under Michigan’s auto No-Fault insurance law, your lost wages claim from a car accident will be 85% of the monthly income you would’ve earned if your injuries hadn’t disabled you from working. However, your payment is subject to a monthly maximum. The 15% reduction is because these No-Fault benefits are not taxable income. 

How much can a person receive in a claim?

If a person suffers injuries that prevent him or her from returning to work, then a Michigan No-Fault lost wages claim from a car accident will pay up to 85% of the “income from work” the “injured person” would have earned “if he or she had not been injured.” (MCL 500.3107(1)(b))

However, these benefits are capped at a monthly “maximum” amount (see below) that’s “adjusted annually to reflect changes in the cost of living,” but a “change in the maximum shall apply only to benefits arising out of accidents occurring subsequent to the date of change in the maximum.” (MCL 500.3107(1)(b))

What is the Michigan No-Fault wage loss maximum?

The Michigan No-Fault wage loss benefits maximum is $7,014 per month for the period of October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025.

Previously, it was $6,811 per month for the period of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024. Before that, it was $6,615 per month for the period of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023. It was $6,065 per month for the period of October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022. It was $5,755 per month for the period of October 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021, and it was $5,718 per month for October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2020.

The monthly maximum that applies to a person’s claim for benefits is the monthly maximum that was in effect at the time that his or her motor vehicle crash occurred.

Can I get lost wages claim from a car accident in Michigan beyond the limits in the No-Fault law?

In Michigan, to obtain a lost wages claim from a car accident that exceeds the monthly maximum amount or the 3-year limit – and/or future income loss from work and future economic loss – a victim will need to file a third-party tort lawsuit against the at-fault driver for “excess” and/or “future” income loss from work. (MCL 500.3135(3)(c)). A lawyer can then sue on your behalf for all future economic loss not paid by No-Fault insurance, including income lost from work in excess of the statutory monthly maximum, in a tort (or injury) lawsuit against the negligent, at-fault driver who caused the crash.

Who pays for these No-Fault benefits after a crash?

Michigan No-Fault lost wages claims from a car accident are paid by a person’s auto insurance company (or the auto insurance company that is determined to be liable under the No-Fault “priority” rules). (MCL 500.3105(1))

Can I claim the No-Fault benefits if I caused the crash?

Yes. Claims are paid “without regard to fault,” i.e., even if the injured person who is seeking these No-Fault benefits was at-fault in causing the crash. (MCL 500.3105(2))

However, this means you will be limited to only recovering these benefits from your own No-Fault insurance company. You cannot sue yourself in tort for your injuries and pain and suffering and future and excess economic loss if you caused the crash.

How long can a crash victim receive these No-Fault benefits?

A claim will be paid “during the first 3 years after the date of the accident.” (MCL 500.3107(1)(b))

When will I receive a check for my claim?

The auto insurance company is supposed to pay you “within 30 days” of receiving “reasonable proof” of your “loss of income from work an injured person would have performed during the first 3 years after the date of the crash if he or she had not been injured.” (MCL 500.3142(2); 500.3107(1)(b))

If the auto insurance company has received “reasonable proof” of your lost wages claim from a car accident in Michigan and fails to pay within 30 days, then your benefits are “overdue.”

Our auto crash attorneys strongly recommend calling your insurance adjuster after each submittal to confirm receipt and to inquire about whether any additional documentation is needed from you. Once you receive confirmation that your wage and salary verification form and whatever additional information has been received by your claims adjuster, and that your claims adjuster has told you that the information is sufficient and there is no additional information to constitute reasonable proof, document that as well in a separate letter or email so that the 30 days begins to run.

You do not need to hire a lawyer to receive lost wages after a crash for lost hours or other Michigan No-Fault benefits (and you should run from any lawyer who tells you that you do). That said, we always recommend talking to an experienced auto No-Fault lawyer to make sure you are receiving everything you should be and you are protecting your legal rights. The initial phone call and consultation is always free of charge.

I wrote “supposed to pay” above for a reason. From experience, unfortunately, the 30-day rule is something that far too many claims adjusters ignore. Sadly, for too many innocent and injured people waiting for compensation, you are just one more file. A claims adjuster can easily have two or three hundred claims open at a time. In a state like Michigan that does not have insurance bad faith laws or punitive damages to stop adjusters from ignoring claims, it is often very hard to get a claims adjuster to make prompt payments. That leaves people with the unenviable choice of continuing to be ignored or hiring a lawyer to sue for incurred and outstanding No-Fault benefits and income loss from work. Even when a person has hired a lawyer and started a lawsuit for outstanding benefits, you will likely only recover penalty interest and attorney fees by taking the case to judgment or verdict, so there is often no real deterrent to force adjusters to pay outstanding claims promptly.

Can I claim these No-Fault benefits on my taxes?

No you can’t claim lost wages from a car accident on your taxes in Michigan. These No-Fault benefits that victims receive from their auto insurance company are not taxable income” under Michigan law. Because they are not taxable, benefits are reduced 15%, leaving the victim a payment equal to 85% of their wages. (MCL 500.3107(1)(b))

However, if as part of a third-party tort lawsuit a crash victim seeks “excess” income loss benefits from work beyond the monthly and/or 3-year limits – or future income loss – then any such recovery will be treated as income that will be taxed. Importantly, taxes should include social security and Medicare taxes.

Were you injured in a car accident in Michigan and need help with your No-Fault lost wages claim? Call now for a free consultation!

If you have been injured in a crash and you need help with your Michigan No-Fault lost wages claim from a car accident, call now (800) 968-1001 for a free consultation with one of our experienced car accident lawyers. There is no cost or obligation. You can also visit our contact page or use the chat feature on our website.

Michigan Auto Law is Michigan’s largest and most successful law firm that specializes exclusively in helping people who have been injured in motor vehicle crashes.

Our secret? Our attorneys deliberately handle fewer cases than other personal injury law firms.  This allows us to focus more time and attention on our cases.

Unlike other law firms, our attorneys are never too busy to promptly return phone calls and answer questions. 

We have more than 2,000 5-Star reviews that reflect this care and attention to detail.

More importantly, this client-focused approach leads to better and faster settlements for our clients. Michigan Auto Law has recovered more million-dollar settlements and trial verdicts for motor vehicle crashes than any other lawyer or law firm in Michigan. We’ve also recovered the highest ever reported truck crash and car crash settlement in the state.

Call now so we can start making a real difference for you.