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How the Back-to-School Season Impacts Time-Off and Sick Leave For Working Parents

How the Back-to-School Season Impacts Time-Off and Sick Leave For Working Parents

How the Back-to-School Season Impacts Time-Off and Sick Leave For Working Parents

As the back-to-school season approaches, many of us feel the shift in routines. Whether navigating new school schedules, coordinating drop-offs and pick-ups, or managing extracurricular activities, this time of year often brings changes for employees that can ripple into the workplace. For employers, it’s the perfect time to proactively remind staff about essential workplace policies—particularly those related to requesting time off, calling in sick, and handling last-minute schedule changes.

Here’s why back-to-school season offers an ideal moment to revisit these policies:

1. Increased Schedule Adjustments

With children returning to school, employees may need more flexibility than usual to accommodate changing family routines. Encouraging employees to revisit policies on requesting time off or exploring flexible work arrangements helps set clear expectations. It also opens up conversations between employees and managers, preventing last-minute misunderstandings.

2. Illnesses and Sick Days

Schools are often a breeding ground for the latest cold, flu, or stomach bug. As kids return to class, the likelihood of employees needing to take sick days for themselves or their children increases. This is a great time to remind your team about the New York State Sick Leave policy, ensuring they understand their rights to paid sick leave and the proper procedures for calling in sick or requesting time off. This helps avoid unnecessary stress and ensures compliance with state regulations during this hectic time of year. It’s also a good time to remind employees when scheduling doctors and dentist appointments, whether for themselves or family members, to schedule any time off needed as far in advance as possible.

3. Balancing Work and Family Responsibilities

Employees may find themselves in a tight spot, juggling work responsibilities with unexpected school-related issues—a call from the nurse’s office or a last-minute parent-teacher conference. This is a great time to ensure employees understand their options, whether taking paid leave, accessing paid sick time, or utilizing other resources your company might offer to support work-life balance.

As remote work continues to be a popular option, especially during busy seasons like back-to-school, employers must ensure that employees understand the expectations for working remotely. Clear communication is key—setting guidelines on availability, managing workloads, or maintaining regular check-ins with team members. Encouraging employees to establish a dedicated workspace and prioritize work-life balance can boost productivity while supporting their well-being. Additionally, revisiting policies related to remote work, such as equipment use and cybersecurity, helps ensure that both the company and employees are protected, fostering a smooth and efficient remote work experience.

5. Reinforcing Open Communication

An often-overlooked benefit of revisiting policies during the back-to-school season is the opportunity to foster open lines of communication. Let your employees know that you’re aware of their challenges and encourage them to come forward with any concerns or questions about managing work and family commitments. Reinforcing a culture of support and understanding can boost morale and create a more resilient team.

In some industries, the fall marks the beginning of a busier season. Reminding employees to stay on top of time-off requests and ensuring supervisors properly manage their team’s time can help the business stay productive and meet its operational goals even when schedules are in flux.

How to Make the Most of This Opportunity

If you’re an employer, this is an excellent time to gently remind your staff of these expectations through a company-wide email or a quick team meeting, highlighting the key policies and resources available. Please use this opportunity to ensure everyone is on the same page and show your commitment to helping employees balance their work and home lives as the school year begins.

By addressing these topics proactively, employers can minimize disruptions, enhance workplace productivity, and show genuine support for their employees’ well-being. It’s a small effort that can pay dividends in fostering a positive work environment later in the year.

7 Safe Driving Tips During Deer Season

7 Safe Driving Tips During Deer Season

7 Safe Driving Tips During Deer SeasonWith deer season upon us, your chances of hitting a deer are much higher during fall months. Stay safe while on the road with these tips from the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center.

1. Be cautious while driving during dusk or dawn

Deer are most active during sunrise and sunset, especially during mating season, which is in full swing from October through December. Ensure that you and your passengers are wearing seat belts at all times, even in the back seat, just in case you have to make a sudden stop.

2. Pay attention to deer crossing signs

Be alert and observe your surroundings for any signs of wildlife while on the road. Deer are abundant in forested areas, but may wander into suburban neighborhoods in search of food, so it’s important to drive cautiously even if you’re no longer in a deer-crossing zone.

3. Stay alert if you spot a deer

Deer tend to travel in packs – so if you see one deer, slow down and proceed with caution. Even if you spot a deer on the side of the road or surrounding areas, remember that there could be others about to cross your path.

4. Take precautions when driving at night

Nighttime driving can put a strain on the eyes, so be safe by driving at a moderate speed. If there is no oncoming traffic, turn on your high beams: You’ll not only be able to see clearer, but you’ll have a greater chance of spotting a deer from a distance

5. Don’t swerve to avoid hitting a deer

Do not swerve to avoid a deer collision. By swerving you put yourself at risk for a worse collision with another vehicle or running off the road. Stay in your lane and try to slow down.

6. Get comprehensive coverage for your car

Did you know that physical damage to your car as a result of something other than a collision with another vehicle might not be covered by standard car insurance? With comprehensive car insurance, you will receive additional coverage and protection for car accidents involving animals.

7. Report the deer-vehicle collision

If your car hits a deer, contact your local authorities and insurance company to file a claim.

Now that you know what steps to take to minimize deer-related car accidents while on the road, be sure to check out our safe driving tips for more helpful tips!


This article provided by Nationwide, a Bolder Insurance partner

Self-Insured vs. Fully Insured Employee Health Benefits: How Do They Differ?

Self-Insured vs. Fully Insured Employee Health Benefits: How Do They Differ?


  • Cost containment in healthcare is a significant concern for small and midsized companies.
  • Many SMBs are discovering the advantages of transitioning from a fully funded to a self-funded insurance plan.
  • Self-insured (or self-funded) insurance provides financial control, data transparency, flexible plan designs, and stop-loss insurance against high-cost claims.
  • With up to 85% in variable vs fixed costs, self-funded insurance can offer substantial savings compared to fully insured plans.
  • While fully insured carriers bear all financial risk, self-funded employers can reduce risk by using a group captive.
  • Self-funding allows you to customize health coverage to meet your employees’ needs, providing greater flexibility and personalization than fully insured plans.


Most small to midsize businesses (SMBs) feel the pressure of skyrocketing healthcare costs. Over the past 11 years, premiums for fully insured plans have surged by 47%, resulting in higher out-of-pocket expenses and diminishing company health benefits.


Annual Premium Increases for a Family Healthcare Plan



Self-Insured vs. Fully Insured Employee Health Benefits: How Do They Differ?

Source: KFF 2023 Employer Health Benefits Survey


As traditional employee health insurance premiums become unsustainable, business owners are looking for alternatives to fully funded insurance. Self-funding through a group captive is emerging as a more affordable option that provides significant opportunity for cost containment through data transparency and plan flexibility.


Let’s take a look at the major differences between the two options.


Fully Insured vs. Self-Insured Employee Health Plans

In fully funded employee health insurance plans, the insurer controls cost containment. These fully insured options lack claims data transparency, restricting SMBs’ ability to manage costs. As a result, premiums continue to rise, out-of-pocket expenses increase, and employee health and your business’s bottom line are adversely affected.


Self-funded health insurance provides SMBs with a more tailored, data-driven way to manage healthcare costs, offering an alternative to traditional plans. Choosing between self-insured and fully insured health plans can impact your healthcare cost control and overall cost containment strategy.


Learn how self-insurance impacts cost containment in healthcare, helping you reduce spending and provide better coverage for your employees.




The Challenges of Fully Insured Health Plans

Fully insured health plans are the traditional approach to buying health insurance. Here’s how they work: your business pays a fixed monthly premium to an insurance carrier covering your employees’ healthcare costs. These premiums stay the same no matter how much or how little your employees use healthcare services.


It is a “set it and forget it” approach that sounds good on paper but can become unmanageable over time.


Fully insured company health plans often result in the following challenges for your management team:


  • Fixed costs. You’re locked into fixed premiums, making adjusting spending based on actual healthcare usage difficult. Are your employees taking advantage of benefits like preventive services or well-being programs? With a fully funded plan, you pay for these features even if none of your employees use them.
  • Limited flexibility. These employee health benefits plans often don’t allow for customization, leaving you with a one-size-fits-all approach that may not align with your employees’ needs.
  • Lack of transparency. Without clear insight into where your money is going, medical cost management can feel like a guessing game. Worse, regardless of the coverage your employees actually use, you will receive price increases every year with no explanation as to why.


The Advantages of Self-Insured Health Plans

Self-insured health plans redefine traditional healthcare coverage by putting control back in your hands. Instead of paying fixed premiums to an insurance carrier, you only pay for the healthcare services your employees actually use.


You also benefit from health plan transparency, which gives you claims data access for action-based insights.


This approach can save money since you no longer pay for unused services. It’s becoming a popular strategy for cost containment in healthcare; 65% of covered workers in 2023 enrolled in a self-funded plan.


Percentage of Covered Workers Enrolled in a Self-Funded Plan, by Firm Size, 2023


percentage of covered workers enrolled in a self-funded plan chart 93 percent 5k or more workers


Additional advantages of self-insured plans include:


  • Cost savings. You pay only for the services your employees use, avoiding the extra costs associated with unused benefits in traditional plans. Notice an unutilized benefit? Remove it from your plan immediately or replace with more cost-effective options.
  • Data transparency. With self-insurance, you have complete access to claims data. Healthcare price transparency allows you to see exactly where your money is going, making it easier to identify trends, manage expenses, and make data-driven decisions about your healthcare strategy.
  • Flexibility. Self-insured plans allow you to tailor coverage to the specific needs of your workforce. Design a plan that aligns perfectly with your employees’ needs, whether providing specialized mental health services or better prescription coverage.




How Self-Insurance Supports Healthcare Cost Control

With self-insurance, you can take a proactive role in healthcare cost control. In the Roundstone Captive, about 85% of self-funded insurance costs are variable, allowing you to use cost containment strategies to lower expenses as soon as you identify an issue.


Here are areas where you can make a difference in the cost of your plan with self-funding.


Plan Area Explanation Action
Claims Management Monitor claims data in real-time to identify and address cost drivers, preventing small issues from becoming major expenses.
  • Negotiate directly with providers
  • Implement wellness programs
  • Identify high-cost claimants
  • Adjust coverage based on usage
Plan Design Flexibility Customize your plan to ensure you only pay for what your employees need, reducing waste and cutting unnecessary costs.
  • Remove unused benefits
  • Focus on preventive care
  • Add tailored coverage
  • Offer tiered options
Plan Partners Choose the right Third-Party Administrator (TPA) and Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) to get the best value for your healthcare dollars.
  • Select a TPA with cost-containment expertise
  • Partner with a PBM that offers competitive pricing
  • Ensure partners provide actionable data
Vendors and Providers Partner with high-quality vendors and providers to access cost-effective care and innovative tools.
  • Establish Centers of Excellence for specialized care
  • Use health apps for chronic disease management
  • Negotiate bundled pricing
  • Implement telehealth services
Employee Engagement Involve employees in their healthcare choices to encourage smarter decisions, leading to better health outcomes and lower costs.
  • Offer incentives for using lower-cost services
  • Educate employees on cost-effective care options
  • Promote preventive care initiatives


How Self-Funding Prioritizes Price Transparency for Cost Containment

Healthcare price transparency allows employers to manage costs by showing where their money is spent. With clear visibility into spending, companies can identify wasteful expenses and create data-driven strategies to reduce unnecessary costs.


At Roundstone, our CSI Dashboard provides detailed insights into claims data. You can break down costs by category, provider, and service for a clear understanding of your spending. You can then make changes that lower costs or enhance coverage where needed.


demo user CSI Dashboard


For instance, you can monitor prescription drug spending by specific medications or pharmacies or analyze data on high-cost services like urgent care and emergency room visits. Use these insights to negotiate better rates, refine plan designs, and guide employees toward smarter, more cost-effective healthcare decisions.


Why Switch to a Roundstone Group Captive Plan?

Wondering how Roundstone’s self-funded insurance can help you save on healthcare costs? Our self-insured plans give you the tools to manage healthcare expenses with transparency and flexibility. You get real-time access to claims data, so you can make smarter decisions and keep spending in check.


But what sets Roundstone apart from other group-captive companies? We walk the walk. Our customers, like Totem Solutions, have seen benefits like $6,000 in savings the first year and zero-dollar deductibles. As an SMB, we joined our own group captive eight years ago, leading to stable premiums and better benefits for our employees.


Since 2003, we’ve given back $91.8 million to participating businesses, with 100% of unspent funds going straight back to clients at the end of the year. On average, members save 20% annually compared to fully insured plans, and many save enough in four years to cover their fifth year of claims. We guarantee you’ll save money, full stop.


Want to learn more about fully funded vs self-funded health insurance? Download the eBook that will open your eyes about the disadvantages of traditional employee health insurance. It’s free!


Explore Self-Insured Plans With Roundstone for Better Medical Cost Management

ROUNDSTONE is an innovative employee health benefits company. We help small and midsize organizations offer competitive benefits at a lower cost by self-funding health insurance through our group medical captive.


The Roundstone stop-loss captive enables companies to self-insure safely by pooling hundreds of employers together to share risk and save money. With easy onboarding and personalized support every step of the way, the Captive offers control, flexibility, transparency, and returns all savings back to employers where they belong.


We believe in always aligning with the employers’ best interests and remain committed to our mission — quality, affordable healthcare benefits and a better life for all.


Healthcare cost control is essential for businesses looking to maximize their benefits while minimizing expenses.


Speak with Roundstone today to learn more about how to make the switch and start saving.



Protect Yourself and Your Home or Business

Protect Yourself and Your Home or Business

Ladder safety is something many overlook, but it’s crucial to preventing serious injuries. In fact, more than 164,000 ladder-related injuries result in emergency room visits every year, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Whether you’re tackling home repairs or using ladders at work, proper safety precautions can make all the difference.

Read on to uncover top ladder safety tips from the loss control experts at Central Insurance, and learn how proper precautions like these can help influence your insurance rates.

4 Top Ladder Safety Tips

1. Select the Right Ladder

Ensure the ladder’s duty rating matches the total weight it will need to support, including your weight, tools, and materials. Ladder duty ratings range from Type IA (300 lbs.) to Type III (200 lbs.).

2. Use Proper Length and Material

Make sure your ladder extends at least 3 feet above the roofline or work surface. Avoid standing on the top rungs, and always use a fiberglass or wood ladder near electrical lines to prevent accidents.

Keep Reading: 10 Home Maintenance Tips for Spring

3. Inspect Before Use

Always check your ladder for damage before use. Look for broken rails, missing slip-resistant feet, and ensure the rung locks are in good condition. Proper setup on firm, even ground is crucial for ladder safety.

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4. Climb Safely

Wear shoes with slip-resistant soles and maintain three points of contact (two hands and one foot or two feet and one hand). Don’t lean too far to the side, and always climb down to move the ladder rather than “walking” it.

By following these ladder safety tips, you significantly reduce the risk of injury while performing tasks at home or work.

Ladder Safety and Insurance: A Critical Connection

Ladder safety doesn’t just protect you from injury—it also plays a role in safeguarding your financial well-being. According to OSHA, ladder-related falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries, leading to workers’ compensation claims and potential increases in commercial insurance premiums. In residential settings, homeowners could face personal liability claims if someone is injured while using a ladder on their property.

Adopting the ladder safety tips mentioned above can minimize the likelihood of accidents, helping to avoid the financial burden that comes with injury claims. Proper risk management is essential for keeping your insurance costs down while ensuring everyone’s safety.

Read More: Back Injury Prevention: Essential Tips for a Safer Workplace

The Central Difference: Comprehensive Protection for Your Peace of Mind

At Central Insurance, we understand the importance of both safety and financial protection. Our comprehensive policies are designed to support you in the event of an accident, whether it’s related to ladder use or other unexpected incidents. With a focus on personalized service and proactive safety measures, Central provides the coverage you need to stay protected at home and at work.

By choosing Central, you’re not just investing in insurance—you’re partnering with a team committed to keeping you, your home, and your business secure. Contact one of our experienced agents today to learn more about how our tailored policies can support you.

Protect Yourself and Your Home or Business

The information above is of a general nature and your policy and coverages provided may differ from the examples provided. Please read your policy in its entirety to determine your actual coverage available.Products underwritten by Central Mutual Insurance Company and affiliated companies.

Copyright © 2024 Central Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

Sharing the Road: The Do’s & Don’ts for Cyclists & Drivers

Sharing the Road: The Do’s & Don’ts for Cyclists & Drivers

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}Sharing the Road: The Do’s & Don’ts for Cyclists & DriversStreets and roads are not the exclusive domain of motor vehicles. In some areas, it contains cyclists as well as pedestrians. Prioritizing safety for everyone is paramount. Increased awareness of cyclists’ presence fosters a culture of mutual respect and caution. We can create a safer and more inclusive environment by respecting all road users and advocating safety measures.

The Do’s for Cyclists

Cyclists should heed the following tips to prevent accidents:

  • Wear proper safety gear: Always wear a helmet and reflective clothing to increase visibility and protect yourself in case of accidents.
  • Follow traffic laws and signals: Obey traffic signs and signals, including stopping at red lights and yielding to pedestrians and vehicles when necessary.
  • Use hand signals to indicate turns: Signal your intentions by using hand signals to communicate with drivers and other cyclists, making your movements predictable and reducing the risk of accidents.
  • Look out for pedestrians: Be mindful of pedestrians crossing the road or using designated paths. Yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and give them ample space when passing to ensure everyone’s safety on the road.

The Don’ts for Cyclists

Cyclists should take proactive steps to reduce the likelihood of injury in a traffic incident:

  • Avoid riding against traffic: Always ride in the same direction as the traffic flow, staying on the right side of the road. Riding against traffic increases the risk of collisions and confuses drivers.
  • Don’t assume drivers can see you: Even if you have the right of way, never assume that drivers see you. Make eye contact with drivers to help them anticipate their actions and avoid accidents.
  • Avoid distractions like headphones: Stay focused on the road and your surroundings by avoiding distractions like wearing headphones or using electronic devices while cycling. Being alert and attentive can help you react quickly to potential hazards and prevent accidents.
  • Don’t ignore traffic signals: Respect traffic signals and signs, including stop signs, red lights, and yield signs. Ignoring traffic signals increases the risk of accidents and undermines cyclists’ credibility as legitimate road users. Always adhere to traffic regulations to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.

The Do’s for Drivers

Due to the unique dangers associated with driving a car, drivers must take special care to facilitate safety on the road. To optimize road safety, drivers should follow these tips:

  • Respect cyclists’ space on the road: Give cyclists enough room to maneuver safely and avoid driving too closely behind them. Treat cyclists as you would any other vehicle on the road.
  • Yield to cyclists: Yield to cyclists at intersections, especially when turning right or left. Be patient and allow cyclists to pass through before proceeding.
  • Give cyclists ample space when passing: When overtaking cyclists, provide them with sufficient space by moving into the adjacent lane if possible. If not, ensure a safe distance of at least three feet when passing.
  • Look out for pedestrians: Watch for pedestrians crossing the road, especially near intersections and crosswalks. Yield to pedestrians and give them the right way to ensure their safety.

The Don’ts for Drivers

The risk of injury when driving a car is associated with speed, vehicle weight, and driver behavior. Drivers should avoid the following to prevent accidents:

  • Don’t drive aggressively around cyclists: Be patient and respectful when sharing the road with cyclists. Avoid aggressive maneuvers such as tailgating or sudden lane changes that could endanger cyclists.
  • Avoid distractions like texting while driving: Keep your focus on the road and avoid distractions like texting, making phone calls, or adjusting the radio while driving. Distracted driving increases the risk of accidents involving cyclists and other road users.
  • Don’t drive after consuming alcohol: Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Impaired driving significantly impairs your ability to react to unexpected situations, increasing the likelihood of accidents with cyclists and other vehicles.
  • Don’t park in bike lanes: Respect designated bike lanes and avoid parking or stopping in them. Blocking bike lanes forces cyclists to merge into traffic, increasing their vulnerability to accidents. Always look for designated parking areas to avoid obstructing cyclists’ paths.

Sharing the Road for Safer Streets

Understanding and accommodating each other’s needs can prevent accidents and promote harmony on our roads. Unfortunately, accidents might happen despite your best efforts to maximize your safety. That’s where personal insurance comes in. Our agents are here to help by providing personal insurance products and solutions tailored to your needs. Call your local agent today to ensure your safety and peace of mind on the road.

Fire safety regulations for holiday homes in England and Wales

Fire safety regulations for holiday homes in England and Wales

Last Updated on June 11, 2024 by admin

Fire safety regulations for holiday homes in England and WalesFire safety regulations for holiday homes in England and WalesFull length, written fire risk assessments, covering all aspects of fire safety, have become a legal requirement for properties offering sleeping accommodation to paying guests from the 1st October 2023. This means that all owners that let their property to guests, even for a single night, will need to have a full written Fire Risk Assessment, by law.

Fire Safety Guidance for ‘small paying guest accommodation’

Fire Safety Guidance has been published by the Home Office that covers `small paying guest accommodation’ which is defined as:

`A single premises of ground floor, or ground floor and first floor, providing sleeping accommodation for a maximum of 10 persons, with no more than 4 bedrooms on the first floor (and not having an open plan kitchen)’. Or `Individual flats (whether within a purpose-built block of flats or a house that has been converted into flats), other than unusually large flats.’

If your holiday letting property is in England the new guidance can be downloaded here:

For owners of holiday lets located in Wales the new guidance can be downloaded here:

The new guidance has been compiled following a review of best practice that should be adopted to meet obligations to comply with existing fire safety law. It was statutory from the 1st October 2023 and must be followed.

What about larger or more complex accommodation in either England or Wales?

The updated guide on larger accommodation and properties that do not fit the Small Accommodation Guide as above, is a work in progress at the Home Office. Meanwhile for these larger properties that sleep more than 10 people, have more than 4 bedrooms, are over more than 2 floors or have an open plan kitchen, you need to base your fire precautions, and fire risk assessment on the existing guidance in: Fire Safety Risk Assessment – Sleeping Accommodation:

Where can I find additional information on complying with Fire Safety?

The Professional Association of Self-Caterers UK (PASC UK) have produced a series of supplementary papers to help owners navigate making their property safe and legal, and writing their Fire Risk Assessments, as well as holding regular informative webinars on the subject. We would encourage all owners to read these papers and watch the webinars which are available on demand. Together they provide clarity on the New Fire Safety Guidance and can be found here:

Fire safety regulations are in place across the UK to help keep your guests safe while holiday letting, which is why it’s important to understand the changes.

What you need to do next?

If you haven’t already done so, review the changes in the new fire safety guidance. Update your fire risk assessment and record it in writing. Highlight the actions that are required and form a plan to address them as soon as is practical.

Resources and further information:

If you own holiday letting property located in Scotland, your guidance can be found here:

The information contained in this post is provided for informational purposes, and should not be construed as legal advice by Boshers.

Boshers offer specialist holiday home insurance to holiday let and cottage complex owners across the UK. If you need an insurance quote for your holiday let call us on 01237 429444.

The Tax Tango-Can Life Insurance be Taxed?: A Policyholder’s Guide

The Tax Tango-Can Life Insurance be Taxed?: A Policyholder’s Guide

Ah, life insurance. A pillar of financial security, a safety net for loved ones, and… a potential tax tango? While the primary purpose of life insurance isn’t to enrich Uncle Sam, there are indeed scenarios where this financial instrument waltzes with the taxman. Buckle up, folks, because we’re about to dissect the nitty-gritty of life insurance taxation.

The Tax Tango-Can Life Insurance be Taxed?: A Policyholder’s Guide

Death Benefit: Generally Tax-Free, But…

Let’s start with the good news: the death benefit, the core payout of most life insurance policies, is generally exempt from federal income taxes. That’s a whopping $768 billion in tax-free payouts in 2021 alone, according to the Life Insurance Council. Think of it as a financial hug for your beneficiaries in their time of need, untouched by the IRS.

However, life wouldn’t be interesting without a few “buts,” would it? Here’s where the tango steps get tricky:

  • Interest on Installments: If you opt for receiving the death benefit in installments, any interest earned on those payments becomes taxable income. Think of it as the bank taking its cut for playing middleman.
  • Estate Tax Tango: If the death benefit pushes your estate’s value above the $12.9 million federal estate tax threshold, a portion might be subject to tax. But hey, let’s face it, if you’re leaving behind a multi-million dollar estate, taxes are probably the least of your beneficiaries’ worries.
  • Policy Transfers: If you transferred ownership of the policy for valuable consideration (think selling it), the proceeds received by the beneficiary might be partially taxable. It’s all about who paid the premiums and when, folks.

Cash Value: A Different Ballgame

Life insurance isn’t just about passing on wealth; some policies, like whole life and universal life, have a cash value component. This acts like a piggy bank that grows over time, funded by your premiums and potentially accumulating interest. Now, this cash value is where the taxman might tap his toes:

  • Surrendering the Policy: If you decide to cash out your policy by surrendering it, any gains over your total premiums paid are taxed as income. No free lunches, even in the world of insurance.
  • Taking Loans: Borrowing against your cash value is typically tax-free, but the outstanding loan amount reduces the death benefit payout, which could have tax implications for your beneficiaries. Think of it as borrowing from your future, and your beneficiaries paying the interest (in the form of a smaller payout) down the line.
  • Policy Dividends: Some policies pay out dividends based on the insurer’s performance. These are generally considered taxable income unless they’re reinvested in the policy. Don’t let the word “dividend” fool you; it’s not always free money.

Navigating the Maze: Expert Advice is Key

Remember, this is just a high-level overview. The world of life insurance taxation is as nuanced as a Shakespearean sonnet. That’s why consulting with a tax advisor or financial professional is crucial. They can help you understand the specific tax implications of your policy, taking into account your unique circumstances and financial goals.

Stats and Sources:

  • $768 billion: Life Insurance Council, “Life Insurance Benefits Paid in the United States: 2022 Fact Sheet.”
  • $12.9 million: IRS, “Estate Tax Thresholds and Rates.”

Final Thoughts:

Life insurance’s tax treatment may seem complex, but understanding the basics can empower you to make informed decisions. Remember, it’s about protecting your loved ones and securing your financial future. So, waltz with the taxman with confidence, armed with knowledge and expert guidance. And who knows, maybe you’ll turn this tango into a tax-free victory dance!

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as tax advice. Please consult with a qualified tax advisor for personalized guidance.

5 Things You Need to Know About the Medicare Annual Election Period

5 Things You Need to Know About the Medicare Annual Election Period

5 Things You Need to Know About the Medicare Annual Election Period5 Things You Need to Know About the Medicare Annual Election Period

As we approach the Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP), it’s crucial to stay informed about the options and changes that can impact your healthcare. Every year, the Medicare landscape evolves, and the Annual Election Period is your opportunity to make sure your Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan and your Medicare Prescription Drug ( Part D) plan continues to meet your health and financial needs.

In this blog, we’ll cover five key points that every Medicare Advantage customer needs to know about the AEP, and how our agency can help ensure you have the right plan for your needs.

1. What Is the Medicare Annual Election Period?

The Medicare Annual Election Period occurs every year from October 15 to December 7. During this time, individuals enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans can review their current coverage and make changes for the upcoming year.

You may choose to:

  • Switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another.
  • Change from a Medicare Advantage plan back to Original Medicare (Parts A and B).
  • Enroll in a new Medicare Advantage or Medicare Prescription Drug (Part D) plan.
  • Make changes to your Medicare Part D prescription drug plan.

This window is vital because the choices you make will be locked in for the entire upcoming year unless you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period due to specific circumstances like moving out of your plan’s service area.

2. Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Plan Automatically Renew

It might be tempting to let your plan auto-renew, but this can be a costly mistake. Insurance companies can change your plan’s premiums, benefits, and networks from year to year. What worked for you last year might not be the best option for next year.

Some of the most common changes include:

  • Premiums and out-of-pocket costs: These might increase without you realizing it.
  • Formulary updates: Prescription drugs covered by your plan may change, which could result in higher costs for your medications.
  • Provider network changes: Doctors and specialists that are part of your plan’s network may no longer be covered, limiting your access to preferred healthcare providers.

It’s important to review your plan thoroughly during the AEP to avoid surprises in the next year.

3. How to Review and Compare Plans

When reviewing your Medicare Advantage plan options, it’s essential to look beyond the premium costs. There are several factors you should compare:

  • Coverage of your specific healthcare needs: Does the plan cover your regular treatments, doctors, and specialists?
  • Prescription drug coverage: How does the plan cover your current medications? Will your co-pays or out-of-pocket maximums change?
  • Additional benefits: Some Medicare Advantage plans offer benefits beyond what Original Medicare covers, such as dental, vision, hearing aids, or even wellness programs. Make sure these benefits align with what you need.
  • Out-of-pocket maximums: Understand how much you could pay out of pocket, especially if you have an unexpected health event.

With so many moving parts, the decision can feel overwhelming. This is where we come in—our team will help you navigate the process and make an informed decision that fits your healthcare and financial needs.

4. Don’t Overlook Prescription Drug Plans

Even if you’re satisfied with your Medicare Advantage plan, you should still evaluate your Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage annually. The medications covered and the tiers they fall under can change, impacting your costs. Formularies (the list of covered drugs) vary between plans, and a drug you take regularly might no longer be fully covered under your current plan. Your pharmacy may also change to a non-preferred status or preferred status.

Medicare Part D plans are often overlooked during the AEP, but keeping your drug coverage updated could save you hundreds of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. Reviewing this annually is essential for managing your healthcare expenses effectively.

5. Why You Should Meet with an Agent

Medicare Advantage plans are highly customized, which means that your neighbor’s or friend’s plan might not work for you. Your health conditions, prescription needs, preferred doctors, and even travel habits can all affect the best plan choice for you.

Meeting with a licensed Medicare expert from our agency allows you to:

  • Understand your options based on your personal health and financial situation.
  • Get help in navigating the details of your plan, from co-pays to provider networks.
  • Ensure that your plan covers your preferred doctors and prescriptions.
  • Review any new options or plan upgrades that could better meet your needs.

We know that healthcare is one of the most important decisions you can make, and we’re here to ensure you don’t have to face it alone.

Schedule Your Plan Review Today

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period is only a short window each year, and it’s critical to make sure you’re covered with the best plan for your needs. At our agency, we provide personalized Medicare Advantage plan reviews, ensuring you get the coverage you deserve. We’ll walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you avoid costly mistakes and get the benefits that matter most.

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Contact us today to schedule your annual plan review and make the most of your Medicare Advantage options before the December 7 deadline.

Let us take the stress out of Medicare—so you can focus on what matters most: your health.

Bancorp’s insurance agents are available to provide you with a free review and consultation.  Contact Us – Bancorp Insurance Call 800-452-6826

It’s That Time of Year Again – Do You Know How to Be Compliant in Handling Your MLR Rebate?

It’s That Time of Year Again – Do You Know How to Be Compliant in Handling Your MLR Rebate?

It’s That Time of Year Again – Do You Know How to Be Compliant in Handling Your MLR Rebate?

Employers with insured group health plans may soon receive a medical loss ratio (MLR) rebate from their health insurance issuers. Issuers who did not meet the applicable MLR percentage for the last calendar year must provide rebates to plan sponsors by September 30th. These rebates may be in the form of a premium credit or a lump-sum payment.

Most group health plans sponsored by employers in the private sector are subject to ERISA. Employers with ERISA plans should not assume they can simply retain an MLR rebate. In general, unless an employer pays the entire cost of health coverage without any employee contribution, at least a portion of the rebate will be a plan asset under ERISA.

Any rebate amount that qualifies as a plan asset must be used for the exclusive benefit of the plan’s participants and beneficiaries. The question is: do you know how to determine that? Furthermore, once you have determined that, do you know how to distribute the assets appropriately?

R&R Insurance has assisted our benefits clients with this challenge every year, providing them with the proper guidance and proprietary tools to help them conduct the proper analysis.

If you’re feeling lost and don’t know what you should be doing to be in compliance with your ERISA Fiduciary requirements, contact one of our Knowledge Brokers – we know!

How Automatic Water Shut-off Systems Can Help Homeowners Avoid Costly Water Damage

How Automatic Water Shut-off Systems Can Help Homeowners Avoid Costly Water Damage

How Automatic Water Shut-off Systems Can Help Homeowners Avoid Costly Water DamageHow Automatic Water Shut-off Systems Can Help Homeowners Avoid Costly Water Damage

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Water damage, one of the leading and most costly causes of property damage in the U.S., is also one of the easiest and least expensive threats to mitigate. However, many homeowners are unaware of one simple solution that can prevent damage, save them money and give them peace of mind.

The Cost of water damage

According to two of our personal insurance carrier partners, roughly 1 in 60 homeowners suffer water damage inside their homes each year, and approximately 40% of homeowners have experienced water damage at some point. The average water damage claim costs approximately $12,500 to repair, but claims costing as much as $50,000 are common. In addition to the monetary expense, homeowners often spend months displaced from their homes while restoration is completed.

Often, water damage inside the home is caused by leaks in the plumbing system. These leaks may be as slow as a few drops per minute to gallons a day or worse; however, all leaks pose a serious threat to your home and can cause significant damage and expense. Slow leaks have the potential to facilitate the growth of mold for long periods without the homeowner knowing, while large leaks can quickly cause damage to floors, ceilings, walls, furniture, irreplaceable belongings and even the structure itself.

the solution

Today, simple automatic water shut-off devices can quickly detect even the slowest leaks, automatically alert you and turn off the flow of water to your house when a leak is detected. It is estimated that at least 40% of water losses could be avoided with the installation of such devices.

While smoke detectors are required in a home and security systems to prevent theft are common, water damage due to plumbing leaks is thirteen times more likely to occur than fire and six times more likely to occur than theft, yet many homes do not have automatic water shut-off devices. On average, these devices cost less than $1000 and can easily be installed on your main water line by a trusted plumber. Once installed, the device can be monitored and controlled through an app.

Added benefits

In addition to protecting your home from costly damages, the installation of an automatic water shut-off device provides the following benefits:

  • Peace of mind while you are away
  • A possible reduction to your homeowner’s premium
  • Avoiding higher water bills due to small, otherwise undetected leaks
Additional Tips to Avoid Water Damage

While installing an automatic water shut-off device is the best and easiest way to protect your home and belongings against water damage due to plumbing issues, here are a few additional precautions to take:

  • Shut off your main water supply line if you will be away from your house for more than two days.
  • Routinely check all water supply lines for appliances, toilets and sinks and replace them every three years. Steel braided hoses are best, as they do not require replacement as often.
  • Ensure everyone in your home knows how to locate and turn off the main water line in the event of a leak.
  • Routinely check around your air conditioner, water heater and appliances with water lines for leaks or moisture.

For more information or to discuss your personal insurance needs, contact our Personal Insurance team.